Source code for sksports.metrics.activity

# coding: utf-8

""" Metrics to asses the performance of a cycling ride.

Functions named as ``*_score`` return a scalar value to maximize: the higher
the better.

Function named as ``*_error`` or ``*_loss`` return a scalar value to minimize:
the lower the better.

# Authors: Guillaume Lemaitre <>
#          Cedric Lemaitre
# License: MIT

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

TS_SCALE_GRAPPE = dict([('I1', 2.), ('I2', 2.5), ('I3', 3.),
                        ('I4', 3.5), ('I5', 4.5), ('I6', 7.),
                        ('I7', 11.)])

ESIE_SCALE_GRAPPE = dict([('I1', (.3, .5)), ('I2', (.5, .6)),
                          ('I3', (.6, .75)), ('I4', (.75, .85)),
                          ('I5', (.85, 1.)), ('I6', (1., 1.80)),
                          ('I7', (1.8, 3.))])

[docs]def mpa2ftp(mpa): """Convert the maximum power aerobic into the functional threshold power. Parameters ---------- mpa : float Maximum power aerobic. Return: ------- ftp : float Functional threshold power. Examples -------- >>> from sksports.metrics import mpa2ftp >>> print(mpa2ftp(400)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 304... """ return 0.76 * mpa
[docs]def ftp2mpa(ftp): """Convert the functional threshold power into the maximum threshold power. Parameters ---------- ftp : float Functional threshold power. Return: ------- mpa : float Maximum power aerobic. Examples -------- >>> from sksports.metrics import ftp2mpa >>> print(ftp2mpa(304)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 400... """ return ftp / 0.76
[docs]def normalized_power_score(activity_power, mpa, window_width=30): """Normalized power®. The normalized power is an average power computing a smoothed power input and rejecting the low power intensities. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`. Parameters ---------- activity_power : Series A Series containing the power data from an activity. mpa : float Maximum power aerobic. Use :func:`metrics.ftp2mpa` if you use the functional threshold power metric. window_width : int, optional The width of the window used to smooth the power data before to compute the normalized power. The default width is 30 samples. Returns ------- score : float Normalized power score. References ---------- .. [1] Allen, H., and A. Coggan. "Training and racing with a power meter." VeloPress, 2012. Examples -------- >>> from sksports.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> from sksports.metrics import normalized_power_score >>> ride = bikeread(load_fit()[0]) >>> mpa = 400 >>> np = normalized_power_score(ride['power'], mpa) >>> print('Normalized power {:.2f} W'.format(np)) Normalized power 218.49 W """ smooth_activity = (activity_power.rolling(window_width, center=True) .mean().dropna()) # removing value < I1-ESIE, i.e. 30 % MPA smooth_activity = smooth_activity[ smooth_activity > ESIE_SCALE_GRAPPE['I1'][0] * mpa] return (smooth_activity ** 4).mean() ** (1 / 4)
[docs]def intensity_factor_score(activity_power, mpa): """Intensity factor®. The intensity factor® is the ratio of the normalized power® over the functional threshold power. Note that all our computation consider the maximum power aerobic for consistency. If you only have the functional threshold power, use :func:`metrics.ftp2mpa`. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`. Parameters ---------- activity_power : Series A Series containing the power data from an activity. mpa : float Maximum power aerobic. Use :func:`metrics.ftp2mpa` if you use the functional threshold power metric. Returns ------- score: float Intensity factor. References ---------- .. [1] Allen, H., and A. Coggan. "Training and racing with a power meter." VeloPress, 2012. Examples -------- >>> from sksports.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> from sksports.metrics import intensity_factor_score >>> ride = bikeread(load_fit()[0]) >>> mpa = 400 >>> if_score = intensity_factor_score(ride['power'], mpa) >>> print('Intensity factor {:.2f} W'.format(if_score)) Intensity factor 0.72 W """ ftp = mpa2ftp(mpa) return normalized_power_score(activity_power, mpa) / ftp
[docs]def training_stress_score(activity_power, mpa): """Training stress score®. The training stress score® corresponds to the intensity factor® normalized by the time of the activity. You can use the function :func:`metrics.ftp2mpa` if you are using the functional threshold metric. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`. Parameters ---------- activity_power : Series A Series containing the power data from an activity. mpa : float Maximum power aerobic. Use :func:`metrics.ftp2mpa` if you use the functional threshold power metric. Returns ------- score: float Training stress score. References ---------- .. [1] Allen, H., and A. Coggan. "Training and racing with a power meter." VeloPress, 2012. Examples -------- >>> from sksports.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> from sksports.metrics import training_stress_score >>> ride = bikeread(load_fit()[0]) >>> mpa = 400 >>> ts_score = training_stress_score(ride['power'], mpa) >>> print('Training stress score {:.2f}'.format(ts_score)) Training stress score 32.38 """ activity_power = activity_power.resample('1S').mean() if_score = intensity_factor_score(activity_power, mpa) return (activity_power.size * if_score ** 2) / 3600 * 100
[docs]def training_load_score(activity_power, mpa): """Training load score. Grappe et al. proposes to compute the load of an activity by a weighted sum of the time spend in the different ESIE zones. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`. Parameters ---------- activity_power : Series A Series containing the power data from an activity. mpa : float Maximum power aerobic. Use :func:`metrics.ftp2mpa` if you use the functional threshold power metric. Returns ------- tls_score: float Training load score. References ---------- .. [1] Grappe, F. "Cyclisme et optimisation de la performance: science et méthodologie de l'entraînement." De Boeck Supérieur, 2009. Examples -------- >>> from sksports.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> from sksports.metrics import training_load_score >>> ride = bikeread(load_fit()[0]) >>> mpa = 400 >>> tl_score = training_load_score(ride['power'], mpa) >>> print('Training load score {:.2f}'.format(tl_score)) Training load score 74.90 """ tls_score = 0. activity_power = activity_power.resample('1S').mean() for key in TS_SCALE_GRAPPE.keys(): power_samples = activity_power[ np.bitwise_and(activity_power >= ESIE_SCALE_GRAPPE[key][0] * mpa, activity_power < ESIE_SCALE_GRAPPE[key][1] * mpa)] tls_score += power_samples.size / 60 * TS_SCALE_GRAPPE[key] return tls_score