
sksports.metrics.aerobic_meta_model(record_power_profile, time_samples=None)[source][source]

Compute the aerobic metabolism model from the record power-profile.

Read more in the User Guide.

record_power_profile : Series

The record power profile from which to extract the aerobic model.

time_samples : TimedeltaIndex or None, optional

The time samples of the record power-profile to take into account. If None, the sampling of the method of Pinot et al. is applied, which is equivalent to the sampling from WKO+.

mpa : float

Maximum Aerobic Power.

t_mpa : Timedelta

Time of the Maximum Aerobic Power.

aei : float

Aerobic Endurance Index.

fit_info_mpa_fitting : dict

This is a dictionary with the information collected about the fitting related to the MAP. The attributes will be the following:

  • slope: slope of the linear fitting,
  • intercept: intercept of the linear fitting,
  • std_err: standard error of the fitting,
  • coeff_det: coefficient of determination.
fit_info_aei_fitting : dict

This is a dictionary with the information collected about the fitting related to the AEI. The attributes will be the following:

  • slope: slope of the linear fitting,
  • intercept: intercept of the linear fitting,
  • std_err: standard error of the fitting,
  • coeff_det: coefficient of determination.


The method implemented here follow the work presented in [1].


[1](1, 2) Pinot et al., “Determination of Maximal Aerobic Power on the Field in Cycling”, Jounal of Science and Cycling, vol. 3(1), pp. 26-31, 2014.